ENDNEL2s& ÿÿÿÿUX%0`Journal Article`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%+'%1Custom 1%0`Book`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1Custom 1%+'%0`Thesis`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%+'%1Custom 1%0`Conference Proceedings`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1Custom 1%+'%0`Personal Communication`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Newspaper Article`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Computer Program`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Book Section`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%1Custom 1%0`Magazine Article`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y %0 `Edited Book` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y  %+ Author Address %1 Custom 1 %0  %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %M  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %U  %V  %X  %Y  %Z  %+ ' %1 Custom 1 %0 `Map` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y  %0 `Audiovisual Material` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y  %0 `Artwork` %A  %B  %C  %D  %E  %F  %I  %J  %K  %N  %O  %P  %Q  %R  %S  %T  %V  %X  %Y %0`Patent`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Electronic Source`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Bill`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Case`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Hearing`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Manuscript`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Film or Broadcast`%A%B%C %D%E%F%I %J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Statute`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Figure`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0`Chart`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Equation`%A%B%C%D%E%F%I%J%K%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%V%X%Y%0 `Generic`%A%B%C %D%E %F%I %J%K%N%M%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%X%Y%Z%+'%1xDD DD DDDDDDD'DD DD D DD#DDDDDD DDD$D%D&DD!D"DDDDD(D)DDm‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ {NONE}  , InterBibGenericôImport filter for InterBib. V1.0 This filter is designated to import text files that have been exported from the InterBib program. 1 Field Mappings: ----------------------- - The BibTeX field type (book, inproceedings, etc.) is mapped to Endnote's %0 field, where Endnote puts it to excellent use. - BibTeX's key field (the field after, for instance, the opening brace of @inproceedings{...) is placed in Endnote's Label field. - The BibTeX 'url' field is placed in Endnote's URL field. - InterBib's 'links' field is placed in Endnote's Custom 1 field. - For 'inproceedings,' the BibTeX 'booktitle' is placed in Endnote's Conference Name. - For 'inproceedings,' the BibTeX 'location' is placed in Endnote's Conference Location It is easy to change these bindings. Refer to Endnote's documentation on editing import filters. 2 Author Names: --------------------- BibTeX files usually have author's in first-name/last-name order. To make Endnote behave well during import, you need to tell the the application about this order: In Edit->Preferences, Under Author Parsing, set 'Name Order' to 'First Always Precedes Last'. 3. Citations: ---------------- You can use your BibTeX keys in your Word temporary citations instead of Endnote record numbers. Like: {Smithers, 2003, smit03}. But it's good to tell Endnote that you're doing this. Like so: Edit-->Preferences-->Temporary Citations Check Use field instead of record number Select "Label"